Friday 24 September 2010

Corrie Conventions?

"Doctor Who" fans do it. "The Archers" fans do it. Even fans of the "Eurovision Song Contest" do it! I'm talking conventions of course. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places but I was wondering if and when "Corrie" fans gather together to celebrate all things Weatherfield.

If so, is it a case of a mass viewing of old episodes, a few quizzes and the odd star guest. Does it follow the "Star Trek" theme where people arrived in character? I'm not totally sure I'd want to spend a day in the company of 120 Bet Lynches . . .

Maybe a national convention would be a bit of a nightmare to organise but do fans get together locally? Let me know - it would be great to hear what you think!

1 comment:

  1. THey do and it's called a "ping". A Ping in irc-speak is a signal sent from one server to another to judge how well they're communicating. In an old corrie chat room, someone was serving up cyber-pints and mistyped it as a ping. A get together "in real life" of those net corrie fans was going to be called a Pint fest but was changed to pingfest and it stuck. Originally, it's people who know each other online meeting at a pub for a chat and a pint but in some places, it has turned into a sort of fan club meeting, more formal with quizzes, games, raffles, sometimes video. Our group in Nova Scotia usually just has the week's omnibus on screen while people are eating. (

    Occasionally there are larger gatherings of folks that hang out on the internet boards and chat areas and those take place in Manchester though are rare. Those are Corriepings or Contresses (mistype of Congress) if you get to walk the holy cobbles of the outdoor set which sadly isn't all that possible now but can be if you have an In. I did that in 2000 and in 2010.
